To add administrative permissions:
Add-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission -Identity "\FolderPath" -AccessRights ACCESSRIGHTS -User USERNAME
-AccessRights parameter value may be:
- None
- ModifyPublicFolderACL
- ModifyPublicFolderAdminACL
- ModifyPublicFolderDeletedItemRetention
- ModifyPublicFolderExpiry
- ModifyPublicFolderQuotas
- ModifyPublicFolderReplicaList
- AdministerInformationStore
- ViewInformationStore
- AllExtendedRights
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\FolderPath" -AccessRights ACCESSRIGHTS -User USERNAME
-AccessRights parameter value may be:
- ReadItems
- CreateItems
- EditOwnedItems
- DeleteOwnedItems
- EditAllItems
- DeleteAllItems
- CreateSubfolders
- FolderOwner
- FolderContact
- FolderVisible
Add-ADPermission "\All Public Folders\FolderPath" -User "USERNAME" -Extendedrights "Send As"
Here comes the complicated part...
In order to recursively add permissions to a folder and its subfolders, we'll need to use a script we'll find in Exchange Server: AddUsersToPFRecursive.ps1, however, this script will remove the user's permissions before adding the new ones, and that will require confirmation, which will be a pain if we're talking about too many subfolders (believe me, in my case there were hundreds of them). So I've made a small change in the script and renamed AddUsersToPFRecursive-No-Confirm.ps1 to keep the original.
All you need to do in order to remove the confirmation is to find this line:
$permission | remove-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity $_.Identity -server $_.OriginatingServer
And add "Confirm:$false" in the end.
$permission | remove-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity $_.Identity -server $_.OriginatingServer -Confirm:$false
Then save the script with a new name as I did, or one you prefer.
Once you have it done, you just need to call the script from the Shell console as usual:
AddUsersToPFRecursive-No-Confirm.ps1 -TopPublicFolder "'\Europe\France'" -User "LAURENT_BARONI" -Permission Owner
** Note that I've put quotes " and an apostrophe ' on the parameter -TopPublicFolder. That's not a typo, don't ask me why, but this was the only way I could make it work. But it works, I promise :)
More info:
Add-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission cmdlet
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