Get-Content cmdlet:
PS C:\> Get-Content MyTextFile.txt
This first example shows us just how to show the file content, however, the most interesting utilization is with a loop, which will allow us to do several tasks in a row for each line of the file as follows (let's say I have 3 computer names on MyTextFile.txt now):
PS C:\> Get-Content MyTextFile.txt | ForEach { IISRESET $_ }
Attempting stop...
Internet services successfully stopped
Attempting start...
Internet services successfully restarted
Attempting stop...
Internet services successfully stopped
Attempting start...
Internet services successfully restarted
Attempting stop...
Internet services successfully stopped
Attempting start...
Internet services successfully restarted
You can also limit the number of rows you want to be fetched from the file by using the parameter TotalCount if you want to get the x first records, or using the Select-Object cmdlet with the parameter -Last to have the x last records, as follows:
PS C:\> Get-Content .\MyTextFile.txt -TotalCount 3
PS C:\> Get-Content .\MyTextFile.txt | Select-Object -Last 3
Import-CSV cmdlet:
Let's say we have a CSV file, an Excel file (which can be easily saved as CSV), or even data exported from any application in comma-separated-values. This can be handled by PowerShell just as easily as the TXT file, plus the possibility to search the records you want to work with by quickly building queries to get information from the file content.
PS C:\> Import-CSV .\MyCSVFile.csv | Format-Table -AutoSize FullName Extension CreationTime LastAccessTime LastWriteTime -------- --------- ------------ -------------- ------------- C:\install.res.1028.dll .dll 11/7/2006 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/
2006 9:03C:\install.res.1031.dll .dll 11/7/2007 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2007 9:03 C:\install.res.1033.dll .dll 11/7/2008 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2008 9:03 C:\install.res.1036.dll .dll 11/7/2009 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2009 9:03 C:\install.res.1040.dll .dll 11/7/2010 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2010 9:03
First example shows how to just get the file content and using Format-Table cmdlet to have the outcome formatted. Next, let's see how to filter only the ones with date greather than 1/1/2009 by using the Where-Object cmdlet an then again Format-Table for the outcome.
PS C:\> Import-CSV .\MyCSVFile.csv | Where-Object {[datetime]::Parse($_.CreationTime) -gt '1/1/2009' } | Format-Table -AutoSize
FullName Extension CreationTime LastAccessTime LastWriteTime
-------- --------- ------------ -------------- -------------
C:\install.res.1036.dll .dll 11/7/2009 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2009 9:03
C:\install.res.1040.dll .dll 11/7/2010 9:03 5/6/2011 17:29 11/7/2010 9:03
More info:
Get-Content cmdlet
Import-CSV cmdlet
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